Τρίτη 23 Ιουλίου 2013

One Direction using naughty noise on new track

world entertainment news/Author WENN - One Direction using naughty noise on new track

One Direction may soon win the title of weirdest video ever for their latest track but they'll also be contending for oddest sound effect - thanks to ladies man Harry Styles.

The playful singers have each showed-off their quirky 'alter egos' in the new video for their modestly titled new track Best Song Ever, with Liam Payne camping it up as a dance choreographer and Zayn Malik flaunting his feminine side as a 'sexy' secretary.

Harry chose to embrace his inner geek and parade around in a dodgy brown ensemble complete with giant glasses - a far cry from his normal swoony self.

But when they're not dressed up as paunchy old businessmen (yes, Niall Horan and Louis Tomlinson we're talking about you) the boys usually have an army of fans screaming their names.

Single Harry is well known for making the ladies groan wherever he goes but now he's getting them to show their vocal love for the band on their new album.

Well, one lucky lady in particular - the maid.

The boys needed a 'female bedroom noise' for one of their tracks and naughty Harry managed to convince a lady working at the hotel where they were staying to take part.

He tells The Sun, "We needed a, you know, a groan on one of the songs. So I asked a lady at the hotel to record the 'Urgghhhhh!' She was nervous at first but soon got into the swing of it."

1D are currently driving fans wild all over America as part of their worldwide Take Me Home tour, and they have also been managing to slip in some recording time for the next album.

But the lads haven't been laying down tracks in a luxury recording studio - time constraints mean they've had to make do with makeshift set-ups in hotel rooms.

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